Page 48




Status: Complete

H/9/1908-4. 45

{6}Is it well to fertilize the lawn in the fall?
Yes, do everything you can in the fall.
{7}Should a new raspberry bed be mulched in the
fall? Yes, when they become to thick, think out.
{8}Plant turnip seed this late? Try it.
{9}Strawberry bed getting full of weeds now, how
treat it? Cultivate now and mulch just
before freezing weather.

Spray grape vines early and bag the
grapes when the size of peas.

A complaint was pretty general that cucumber
vines died suddenly after looking healthy.

Margaret Magruder gave her experience
with Leghorn chickens. She had been warned
that they were troublesome, but thought they
would go over to Frank Hallowells, but no,
they chestered around the kitchen, broke her
dishes, ate every thing they could get at.
Mosquito net was no protection against
their raids, and the cook even found them
up the stove eating the rolls put there
to get light. She has no further use for Leghorns.

In our inspection of the garden, the strawberry
bed looked well, but it was thought some of the
plants should be dug out to prevents its being too
solid a mat. Eggplants were fine and abundant
the best we have seen. Quinces and apples ready
to pick. Lovely roses in the flower garden and salvias
geraniums etc.

The next meeting to be at Rock Spring
Anna F. Brooke
Hannah B. Stabler

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