Page 55




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May 4th 1909

A beautiful day. Professor J. P. Iddings
remarked on the surprising punctuality
of our guests. He has been told the company
was dire at 15 minutes of 4 o'clock and at
fourteen mniutes of 4 a carriage appeared
followed immediately by dozens of others.
{1}st Reader, Eliza Moore read of trees, old and
interesting of Europe and California. Locust
and chestnut have the best-lasting qualities
the Redwood make good weather boarding.
{2}nd Reader, absent Volunteer E.S. Iddings a short
poem by a Horticulturist 81 years old J.J.H. Gregory
of Marblehead Mass. Corrie Brooke told of walk
in early spring and of finding twenty nine varieties
of flowers in bloom in an hour's time.
Emma Stabler read a list of the flwoers of different
states. Hallie Lea gave an article recommending
toads for the garden; a 4x5 [food?]
said to consume 47 cubic yards of insect per min.


Plant more seeds, set our plenty of
plants, weed and cultivate those growing. How
would it do to appoint a "good order" committee
to go from place to place to condemn or admonish
or praise as needed and encourage to greater
care of gardens, lawns, etc.? Refered to
the Executive Committee.
Janet Miller read an instructive article on poultry.
Poultry report 3885 chickens an increase of
2188 since last meeting.
Exhibits were very fine. The geraniums from

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