Page 71




Status: Complete


Forethought gave good advice on the
case of vegetables, burning of weeds
and plowing of gardens. Advises eating
sweet potatoes early, as all are not successful
in keeping them in winter.
Plant bulbs in garden, and in pots
for the house and bring in house plants
as we may expect killing frosts soon.

The exhibits were very fine. The June
roses were not finer than those on our
tables and Dahlias and other flowers
were dazzling. A variety of fruits and
vegetables of excellent quality were shown.
The "Wonderberry" grew and bore fruit at
some places and resembled the "garden huckleberry"
so called, which has been grown at
Rockland for some years. Lima beans,
which stopped growing during the very
dry weather are now in full bloom, too
late to mature. Celery should be hilled.

{1}What is meant be early for setting
out strawberry plants? April or
1st of May, as soon as the ground can be
{2}In setting out fruit trees prepare the ground
in the fall and dig the holes 14 inches deep
in the Spring? Yes, a good plan.
{3}How treat a rose bed now? Clean off
but do not mulch until Spring.
{4}Sowed crimson clover on the garden. It is
coming up well and chickweed very well.
What do next? Plow the middle of December.
{5}How late mow lawns? Until middle or last
of Oct. The drought has left little to mow at

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