Page 75




Status: Complete



telling of her visit to the Poultry depart
at Cornell; the meeting requested that a copy
be sent to the county paper.

Cornelia Bentley suggested beautifying
the open space at Sandy Spring between
the store and the [toll] house. The idea
was approved, a committee appointed to
take the matter in charge; the committee
Cornelia Bentley, Corrie Brooke, Mary Gilpin
Mrs. Downey and Joseph T. Moore.

{1}Why do Geraniums leaves turn brown? Supposed
to be because of the very hot sun
this season.
{2}Plant Mangel Wortzel seed a year old?
They are very likely to be good.
{3}Should begonias be cut back now? Yes
all the old growth.
{4}How and where plant broom corn?
Just as other corn.
{5}When and how line a garden for the
first time? After it is plowed scatter broad
cast 30 to 40 bushels to the acre.
{6}What fertilizer for asparagus? Ashes and
manure. Rural New Yorker says muriate of Potash.
{7}Is it too early to plant snap beans? No.
{8}What birds pull up onion sets? Black birds.
{9}Too early to plant Nasturtiums? No
{10}Where keep turkey eggs? In a closet
where there is even temperature but
not in a cellar closet.
{11}How rid a strawberry bed of chick
weed? Use a 3 tooth drag, or a heavy unit
of straw, or pull it out.
{12}When dig up a bulb bed? When the

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