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Status: Complete

H/10/1910-4- 93

10th 1910. The same will be true in 1911
and 1912 and never again for any of us.

{1}How keep Kiefer pears? Pick before they become
rusty, one member wrapped each pear
in paper and kept until Christmas. Another
read that putting them in a pile on the cellar
floor and covering them made them ripen so
they were delicious.
{2}When pick winesap apples? Within the next
ten days.
{3} How kill the worms on cabbage? Apply Paris
Green. It will all wash off as water does not
dissolve it.
{4} Will it do to fertilize lillies of the valley?
Make the bed rich but do not put in
commercial fertilizer.
{5} How fertilize window plants? Some use ammonia
in water once a week.
{6} Should box bushes which have been much
broken be trimmed? Yes, trim into shape.
Forethought recommended hanging geraniums
in the cellar to keep over winter
but the experience of most of those who
tried the plan, was that they died or if
any lived very late in starting to grow.

Our host expects to plant some pease
and potatoes in November.

In our walk in the garden we saw
long rows of Lima beans, tomatoes corn
and other evidences of a plentiful supply
of good things for the table. The flower
garden had given up most of its beauty
to adorn the conservatory. We never saw
a finer display of Geraniums, pink

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