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Status: Complete

{126 } H/5/1912-4.

{6}A begonia is sticky with some exudation,
how treat it? Wash with warm water.
{7}A hibiscus is killed to the ground, is it
likely to put up a new growth? Yes
{8}Should tomatoes be staked and Ellen Farquhar
quotes an authority on tomatoes
"Never, never let them lie on the ground
stakes or frames must be used" If they
are in too rich a soil, they go too much to
{9}Should salt be put on asparagus to keep
the weeds down? No, a writer in the Rural
New Yorker says "it is not only un
necesary but harmful.
{10}John Bentley complains of something
which gnaws his fruit trees at the
ground and some are so badly injured
they fall over.
{11}Plant sweet potatoes with fertilizer?
Not if the ground is good. They do
just as well flat as in ridges.

Showers prevented our walk in the
gardens. A member who visited it, reports
it unusually good in culture and
remarks on a fine new strawberry bed.
Cornelia Bentley spent .80cts on the Park
which the Society refunded.

Next meeting to be at Edgewood.
Catherine Janney
Anna Farquhar

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