Page 173




Status: Complete


praise of the manner in which his
substitute had performed his duties
went on to speak of the weeding still
to be done during this month and the
seeds to be planted. Kale, turnip up to
the 20th; a succession of beets, beans
lettuce and radishes make nice tender
vegetables for fall. Give a thorough work
-ing to the garden and truck patch now

For those who like planting strawberries
in August, this is the time. Weed flower
gardens and start cuttings; report those
started earlier and those wanted for win-
-ter blooming. It is advised to cut back
begonias in August, so they will make
handsome plants

We learn that our sister Society
Home Interest, has adopted our plan and
has a Forethought committee. Our Pres-
-ident is gratified and feels that we have
done some good since our example is
followed by our wide-awake sister.

There was very little to say about
Poultry, Rockland reports 64 turkies.

Several others report a few


Were fine but from few places
the rains having prevented gathering them

The unfinished business which was
referred to this meeting was a answer
to C. F. Kirk's question "which of three
trees to cut down to improve the lawn?
The member who gave most attention to
the question, said, leave the largest
tree if it was an Oak.

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