Page 174




Status: Complete


The secretary gave a statement of the
finances of the society. There are .17cts on
hand which will be ample for this year!


1 Is the common hazelnut improved by cul
tivation? Answered in the affirmative by
Frances Stabler

2 Frank Hallowell has trouble with
the turkies eating young plants. Put
wire around the plants, or the turkies

3 What lettuce best heading variety?
Iceberg and Big Boston

4 Has any one tried the potted strawberry
plants? Ellen Farquhar has but they were
not a sucess. A guest succeed with them
in Wilmington Del.

5 What is the trouble when chickens hatch
and grow until July and then sicken
and have to be killed and used for fertiliz-
-er? No satisfactory answer.

6 A Japanese walnut died down but has
put some good shoots. Will they be worth
saving as trees? If are above the graft,
they will

7 How early plant Spinach? As early as
you can do any gardening. If planted
now you will have it during the fall. If
planted the end of Sept. you will have
it 1st of July.

8 A magnolia Grandiflora which has bloom-
-ed abundantly for several years, was
killed to the ground and has put up
some healthy looking shoots. How treat it?
Cut off all but one.

9 How does Ellen Farquhar have such fine

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