Page 183




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soil, and she uses foot wide wire
run along the row from pole to pole
for the vines.

Can you make begonias too rich?
Yes and ferns are sometimes
killed with kindness. They like sand
and wood's earth. A member wants
to get rid of a crimson rambler
and is told Dr. Van Vleet is good
to put in its place.

Should a kieffer pear very tall, be
cut back? Yes, to the ground some

When plant spinach?
Inquiry was made about the
grass at Tanglewood? It is Japan
Clover and came itself.

How best way to keep cabbage?
The old way, bury the roots in
rows and cover with rails and
fodder leaving plenty of room for
ventilation and convenience in getting
it when wanted.

What best manure for ferns?
Ask a florist.

In our visit to the garden we admired
the long rows of vegetables and
fruits. Chards, spinach, raspberry Stawberry
and numerous other varieties.
Also a flourishing row of Dahlias.
The flower beds near the house showed
careful management.

Isabel Miller and Mary E. Gilpin

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