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near Los Angeles, Cal. The gardens
are beautifully symmetrical and very productive:
the soil is black and as fine as dust
and the vegetables grow rapidly, not
larger than in the East but they grow all
the time: there are acres and acres of lettuce
carrots, cabbages, beans, peas, corn, onions,
potatoes, tomatoes, spinach, celery etc.
These gardens are plowed and irrigated
from dawn until dark 365 days
in the year. 2nd article "poison for
cut-worms" I part Paris Green, 40 parts
bran moisten slightly; a pinch at the
base of each plant is used. A lady
who tried it on her sweet peas lost
them. She then tried soot over the bed
after replanting, and the peas flourished.
3rd A summer blooming rose should not
be pruned in the spring, except to remove
branches that are dead or dying, as the
flower buds develop on the previous years
growth. The time to prune is immediately
after the flowers fade in the summer. It
is well then to cut off all the old branches
that have bloomed freely, and encourage
the growth of young sprouts that begin
to grow about the time the flowers are
in full bloom.

Volunteer E.S.J.

"They used to have a farming rule
Of forty acres and a mule.
Results were won by later man
Of forty square feet and a hen.
And now-a-days success we see
With forty inches and a bee "Signed

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