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Status: Complete


the wire from injuring the bark.
8. The mice ate the cabbage and celery at
Edgewood. Would you plant in the same
place again? Yes, kill the mice first.
9. Put straw on a strawberry bed now? Yes.

We were told that "Uncle Gideon's "quick
lunch potato" is one of the best, and that
a man in Howard County plants six
peach trees every year and always
has peaches. A.G. Thomas ate strawberries
a few days ago, in Florida which
were delicious. They were firm and good
tho' gathered several days before.

The variety was "The Klondike."

We visited the garden, a nice level
piece of land. The hot beds were full of
plants - a few varieties of vegetables had
been planted - the strawberry bed had
a covering of straw. Robert Miller advised
adding more to what was there.

Next meeting to be at Norwood.

Readers Ellen Farquhar and Charles
F. Brooke. Owing to an oversight we
missed hearing Albin Thomas's account
of his recent visit to the Southland. We
hope to have it at the next meeting.

Frances Stabler was appointed to
collect .10 cts from each family for the
use of the Secretary.

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