Page 205




Status: Complete



There as not a great deal to say about
poultry. Mary Stabler told of her 635 eggs
from 45 hens which have not been fed since
May, an average of 17 eggs a day.
two which were killed weighed 9 pounds.


Were very good, squash, corn
cucumber, lima beans snap beans. Endive
peas, tomatoes, chard, kale, cabbage,
mangel wortzel, egg-plant sweet potatoes
salsify, pop-corn, beets, carrots, okra
kohl-rabi spinach lettuce and mushrooms.
The fruits, grapes, apples, peaches, pears
plums, watermelon Reed plum and
an apple for a name. The flowers
were abundant and from many gardens.


1. Where get seed of New Zealand spinach?

2. Should we have a commercial committee
for finding a market for fruit?
The grange has had one without success.

3. What will keep grapes from bursting? Bags

4. Are puff balls good to eat? Very good.

5. What care should a strawberry-bed have
from now on? Keep clear of weeds and
mulch with straw about Christmas or
after freezing weather begins.

6. Will madeira vines if cut back continue
to grow in the house? Yes.

7. Is it a good time to put down roll cuttings?
Yes and turn glass jars over them.

8. How handle the quack grass in
Brooke Grove garden? No answer.

9. What time move shrubbery in the fall?

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