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potatoe. It can be cooked in many ways
and the large tubers are ground into flour
for soups ang gruels and mixed with other
flours for bread biscuit and griddle cakes
The Dep. of Ag. has issued a circular "The
Dasheen, a root crop for the South" which
gives many recipes.
Volunteer, Mary T. Kirk read "Germs on
Salads" stating that vinegar having been
found to destroy Typhoid germs, if lettuce
after having been washed be put in vineg
-ar and water, there will be no danger
from germs. 1/3 of an ounce of vinegar to
1 quart of water.

A letter and card from Ellen Farquhar
from San Diego were very interesting. The
party is having a continued good time:
were nearing. The Yosemite. She is enjoying
the growing things more than anything
else. She is to have a letter of thanks for
remembering the [Horti] Society in this de-
-lightful way

July is a kind of off month
not much to be done & plenty of weeding, lots
of cultivating and hoeing. Take up the
spent pea vines and clear up and plow
all ground that has done its duty in
raising the early things such as spinach
lettuce radishes etc etc ready for late
cabbage or the last planting of corn.
It is well to use up all the ground,
for second crops worked well makes
fewer weeds for next year. It is time
now to work egg-plants well and mulch

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