Page 233




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The Firsthoughts Rockland May 2. 1916

It seems a long long time since a
Firstthought has been written yet it is only
one meeting over a year - a pleasant
respite I should say - I suppose some
members an not so very much behind
the ususal you planting their gardens
But the Firsthought - It is very hard
to be an After thought - It is very hard
to know how to smile for easy thing
can her land be considered in
a few word as soon as soon as the ground
can be worked every thing should be
planted melons, the roots. Lima beans
a good planting mess corn also
more potatoes, Then here is it going
to be by mid summer will it catch
up? Much depends upon constant
work stirring the ground and keeping
the weeds down - Also the Flower
garden must be attended to at once
any or all flower seed may be sowed
in the ground - Then are so many
beautiful annuals. Which add so
much to the handy and brilliantly
of the flower gardern, and bridge
over the gaps in the blooming of
the perenials such as pinks poppies
Phlox [Drumonde?] Escholtzia Snap
dragon - Calendules Salvias and
Morning Glory's provided you dont
plant them to sun over the Lima Bean
poles - When you put out your Begonies
dont leave them untrimmed and
stragling but shape them evenly
and make a Begonia bed of the

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