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Status: Complete

236 H/4/1916 -3-
Stations have said that their spraying
with hand pumps has almost always
given larger gains in yield
than that with the horse power
machines on the market. They have
used great care to coat every leaf
up to 350 gals. per acre of Bordeaux.
There is great demand for a machine
powerful enough to cover
the plant as thoroughly as with hand
pumps to warrant their manufacture
A sprayer that does not cver each leaf
with a thin film of spray may be
practically useless. Never omit to spray
on account of rainy weather as it is
just the time when is is most needed
I should be remembered that spraying
with Bordeaux gives other benefits
besides the control of late blight
and rot. In hot dry seasons it increases
the yield in a way not
yet fully understood. Commmon
potato bugs are easier killed by
Paris green applied with Bordeaux
the sticky qualities of Bordeaux spread
the poison all over each leaf. Then
the bug's first bite means his death
Many delay the first first application
of Bordeaux until just as the first
eggs are hatched: they are easier killed
when small. One old grower says
large bugs will get fat on any poisons
volunteer Sarah Hallowell. "A perennial
duty" to plant trees. There never was a

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