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H/9/1916 -2- 261
called it "Digging potatoes" the public
imagination would not have gone beyond
the potato field and it might also
have made a difference of a few thousands
of dollars in the market value of the work
a well chosen title for a book
is what Mayoaise dressing is to a Salad

Were very fine vegetables and
an excellent variety, Fruits, Apples,
peaches, quinces, grapes, raspberries and
crab-apples. There were a profusion
of flowers. A brilliant collection and some
very handsom fancy Caladimus.

Gave the advice to prepare
for winter; look over house plants - pot
cuttings, take up any plants you wish
to keep in the house. When late tomato plants
were not set out I have seen it recommended
to select a thrifty branch, bend
down and cover with [five?] or six inches
from the end. Roots quickly form and
it can be cut away from the old stalk
making a healthy plant which will bear

If we take a pessimistic view of
the garden we find the canteleupes have
the blight. Worms are eating the cabbage
bunch beans are going to seed. Lima
beans are overloaded, grass in the
sweet potatoes, weed in and thro &
over running the winter roots - but
we will smile and rejoice at the blessings
we have and let the weed grow

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