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H/7/1917 -2- 277
nure. If you have a new strawberry
bed work it over every week: if an old
one, still more work is required.
Celery should be set out this month
in rich earth. Keep it well watered
and worked forcing it along as much
as possible. Keep the flower garden
as free from weeds as possible. plant
seeds of perennials, pinks, snap-dragons
canterberry - bells. phlox, fox glove
A long row of scarlet sage with
white burr poppies as a back ground
is gay. Cannas, geraniums and
nasturtiums should be planted
abundantly, Thin Lima beans and when
they get to the top of the poles nip
off the ends. Put down cuttings of
geraniums and roses.

Were excellent Good heads
of cabbage from five places and
new potatoes, ripe tomatoes, from two;
peas, beets, beans, rhubarb, onions
carrots, salsify, parsnips, radishes
chard, lettuce, cauliflower and
cymblings. The fruits were, apples
gooseberries, raspberries, black currants
red currants and cherries. A beautiful
display of flowers, Roses
sweet -peas yucca amaryllis etc.

1 How thick plant soup beans? About
like snap beans.

2 When do moles work? One man
says from 7 to 10. Another says from

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