


Status: Complete

though the Club was expected & everything looked
as though we had had seasonable weather instead
of the drought we have been suffering from for
so long. The wood pile had a suspiciously clean
look which was hightened by a pile of ashes
which suggested a recent bonfire of trash;
other things we noticed which shall not be men
tioned here.

1st Quest Why are tomatoes dry rotting? No
reason given, but slacked lime recommended as
a remedy. The Sec would suggest that owing
to the dry weather they couldn't do anything else.

2nd How to tell when Martinias are ready for
use? By sticking with a pin as you do with melons.

3rd When to gather onions? When the tips die
lay them on a floor to dry.

4th Will you please walk out to supper? Which
it pleased us all to do.

5th How to put Gelatin in Black Berry Jelly. Mix it
about as you would to make Gelatin.

6th How near to a well will it do to plant a Willow tree.
For don't know. two say a good way one says 30ft.

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