



Status: Indexed

way, so that the demands
against the Coal Co could be

A Yes Sir, if they came in

Q But there was no reason
why, apart from the fact that
Colton had used the money
that the Coal Co should be
a borrower?

A No Sir.

Q Did Colton ever suggest to
you that you should allow
the Coal Co interest on the
money that he was using?

A No Sir, nothing of the
Kind ever passed between us.

Q Do you know this fact,
during the time, that there
were large sums of money on
hand due to the Company
by Colton, you heard complaints
by employees of the mine a--
bout being delayed in the
payment of their wages?

A Not to my Knowledge.

Q Did you ever see Beerman's
letter to Colton complaining
that the employees were dis--

[bottom left margin:] 17

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