



Status: Indexed

Q Well then, if there were
any such letters as I speak
of written by Beeman to Colton
complaining of the mine be-
ing starved, and the employees
being unpaid for two or three
months, you never saw such
letters that you remember?

A No sir, not that I recollect of.

Q How do you account for
the fact of you being there
and those letters being received
and the you did not see them.

A Well, as I said he always
opening his own mail matters,
if he received such a latter as
that he could keep it to him-
self and I would not know
any thing about it.

Q Did you ever know during
the time that he had money
on hand belonging to the
Company. If his making the
note if the RMC & I Co. and
borrowing money upon them?

A I do not recollect this. My
impression is that his notes
were all individual notes put

[bottom left margin:] 22

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