



Status: Complete


March 27, 1922 – Monday
Breakfast at a quarter of 8 this morn; Mr. R. came
down after I did, but I left him – had too many
things to do to waste valuable time today, but alas!
not the half did I get done. First I did some writing
which I had neglected; then I got off 3 letters and
a doz. post-cards for America; then after bathing &
dressing I went to the press for money, stamps, my
Eng-Bur., & Bur-Eng. dictionaries, B. Bible. etc.
While there Mr. Swinnerton-Weston came in, & as
he departed he asked me to have strawberries &
cream with wine, an invitation I accepted, to the
deep disgust of the coolies who was carrying my
bundles. After an hr. spent with him (he has been
a great traveler), I took the train back to the G. H as it
was then too late to stop by Mr. Hein Si's as I had in-
tended, more especially when burdened with
these big dictionaries. Miss B. in my room again
last eve, telling of her battle with bed bugs; I hope
I won't have to go thru a similar experience – but
I probably will if I go to certain stations. Miss A.
arrived about 11 p.m. but I won't see her till morn
A letter arrived for Miss D. which I've redirected &
will mail with a card to Miss Parrott in the a.m.
Read a dialogue in "Half of the Battle in Burmese";
also trimmed and glued a few snapshots in my
kodak album in the aft. & eve – but it is slow
work. Have already counted up a doz. things I have
to do tomorrow.

March 28, 1922 – Tuesday
Finished Miss C's book; pasted some more kodak
pictures in my album. After break walked to
Commissioner Road & returned Mr H. S's book.
Then to the jail sale room, which was open, for
prices of chairs, etc; on to the Bernard Free Libra-
ry [Library] to return "Asoba", taking 3 or 4 snapshots along
the way. Here I took a rickshaw to the burra (big)
station where I bought my ticket and made my
reservation for tomorrow eve. Took another at
Phayre St, to the press where I got more money,
40 postcards, arranged about the transfer of my
baggage with Mr. P., etc. Forgot to get envelopes, such
a nuisance. Miss A brought up 3 letters from
home this p.m.; no papers; perhaps they'll come
tomorrow. Misses Lucas, Rainey and Eastman arrived
shortly before breakfast; the former, with Misses
A. & B. got on the boat this eve after dinner, altho'
it does not sail till morning. We had lovely straw-
berries [strawberries] for tea, Miss R.'s treat; and shortcake for
dinner, I suppose from the same source; also
two kinds of cake. I only sampled one, however.
At b. we had some tamarind juice, which was
my first experience. Went to Mrs. Pattle's before
dinner to return her bird book; took her the
brown em. handkerchief. Had a note from Mr.
Furnival, who is in camp, explaining his seeming
negligence about my "tea". Wrote two cards and a
letter to Jimmy – who is in the hospital at Pendle-
ton [Pendleton] – in answer to my mail. Want to get as
many things off from here as possible. Heard
nothing from Mrs. Grove. Must see Miss C [page damaged]
[along right edge of page:] Pd. my room rent

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