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him so much – or what. He cut his finger while his
mother was having a lesson and came to me to tie up.

May 5, 1922 - Friday
I had my private lesson this a.m.; Saya promised me some
of the seaweed that makes rice jelly. After prayers
I. & I repaired to the kitchen where she made 3 large &
one small lemon pies, & then I rolled out the dough
for over 2 doz. tarts, beat the eggs for merangue [meringue], etc;
We left the baking to the boy, but most were done by
the time we were ready to leave the kitchen, which
was not till 3 p.m. Miss J. busy writing her long-neg-
lected letters, bringing her machine out in the door
way near where we were working. I. & I were sup-
posed [supposed] to go on a bird walk with Miss V. this p.m. but
were so tired we laid down as soon as we reached
our room, & never thought of it once. Mr. & Mrs. Gates
came soon; asked the former about "The Social Prin-
ciples of Jesus"; it is at their house, but he says he
didn't take it; the main thing is to get it back, how-
ever. Mr. H returned this eve; He & Misses G., J. & P.
played rook after dinner. All liked the pie – we had
4 each, & then the remaining half was divided among
6 of us. There was no soup last eve – a surprise to us, as
well as the rest of folks. Had chicken muligatawny
for break. & the fowls were so tough we couldn't eat them.
A lot of rice & liquid left, so before prayers we had to
rush out and change our orders for dinner & use the
left overs instead, so there would be no waste. We've
been expecting to take the mount. climb tomorrow,
but after yes. rain we backed out this a.m. & sent Dr.
C- word to that effect; later we thought we might go
but it thundered & looked threatening a good part
of the aft., so after debating back & forth for awhile
it was finally off. Miss Terry wanted to go with us; she

leaves next Fri., but goes to Inlay [Inle] Lake on Wed., &
there is to be a party at Marshall's on Thurs. for those who
have birthdays in May.

May 6, 1922 – Saturday
Our last day as housekeepers, I had a walk before
breakfast, so I went by myself to get the berries, but
it was a fruitless journey, met the Harrises as I
was returning. Had the boy cook the remainder of
the peaches, which we seeded right after breakfast,
the round cakes for dessert. Only one bag of char-
coal [charcoal] & two pumpkins left; but nearly 4 doz. eggs on
hand as well as the tarts & 2 big papyas for tomorrow
chota. Emma & Rachel are our successors; they are not
going to bazaar as it falls on Sun. again this time (Mr.
S's idea, I believe) & the S. cook will help ours do the buy-
ing [buying]. We need matches & sugar in the way of stores;
otherwise they are pretty well fixed. I jobbed some this
a.m. but knitted most of the aft. Misses Peter & Adams
down to see Mr. H's books this morn. Saya was up a-
while [awhile] this aft. – he is not feeling well. Mr. H said many
people were ill since this last rain, which has made the
water very muddy, & suggested that it be boiled hereafter.
E. had hot water yes. & again this a.m. when she washed
her hair, so G. & R. did likewise. Mine needs it, but
won't get it before the latter part of next week – if then.
All going out to play bat. for the last time before the Hs
leave; I had not had my bath (missed entirely [?]);
so told them to go on & I would follow; but "the best
laid plans of mice & men oft gang aglea", the pharni [pani]
wallah had emptied out all its water & had failed
to refill our tubs; I looked in Mrs. H's bathroom &
they're in the same fix; so I had to go to the kitchen &
tell our boys who had to run out & yell all over the
place before he could be found – of course it never
occurs to them that it would have been easier to
have brought the water in the first place – so I did

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