



Status: Complete

good & tired when able to go to bed, after standing
so long, & hoarse from calling directions. Altho my 2 pie
pans, used as cymbals, helped wonderfully.

May 9, 1922 - Tuesday
Saya didn't come again this a.m., so Mrs. S., R., E. & I
went down to see about him; found him up but ailing; the
host's baby also ill with a boil under one arm. When we
got back I washed out hose & handkies., put away soiled,
& got out clean, clothes; wrote to Miss Lester in the p.m., after
a hot bath; & last eve finished reading the last Y's C. Of
course at five p.m. we were all at Dr. Tilbe's for prayer
meeting led by Dr. Cummings; we did not have as many
prayers & talks as usual; the theme was wisdom for the
reference committee & individuals in regard to the
coming cut in appropriations – $15,000 for the Gen'l
& $12,000 for the Woman's Com. Had a headache all
aft. & eve, so went early to bed; also talked quite awhile
to the H's who sat on our porch for awhile. Had a
chat with Mr. Case at T's, & later I., Miss J. Mrs. H. & I took
a walk out the road – Miss J. & I turning back at "the
rock", the others going on as far as the road beyond the house
where they took a path down thru the "valley" & beat
us home. Miss J. finished her brief story, begun
Sun. eve on the way home from ch., about Mr. Lewis &
conditions at Tharrawaddy. Several who had not signed
in Mrs. T's Guest Book do so this aft. We also had the
opportunity of looking at the silver wedding anni-
versary [anniversary] prints – taken by Mr. Marshall; I ordered 3
of the one in which I appear; the other was a
closer , & consequently better exposure in many
ways, but a number of people – mostly the group on
the porch – had moved, turned around and then
blurred it. It is warmer yes. & today than at any time
since the rain. Miss Haseltine came down from
Taunggyi this a.m. several went to the station to

meet her. The housekeepers put the other red
table at the far end of the table – there has been one at
our end ever since Mrs. H arrived – & thus were enabled to accommodate the

May 10, 1922 – Wednesday
Saya did not come again as he is still
indisposed. I also still have my awful headache, so neither
read nor studied, but knitted on the sweater & almost fin-
ished [finished] it; the rose gave out, so had to fill in with black. I. &
I had a walk as far as the Hep. place, Mrs. H., Miss J; & R
joining us on the way; found the Harrises there, so the
others arrived to play babmington [badminton] but J. & I took the road
around to the Safford house merely for a look – a neat
brick cottage now rented, & then followed the path cut
in the side of the hill down across the stream to the
R.R. track & back thru "the valley; My head was better af-
ter [after] the walk; I believe now it was the trip to town
yes. a.m. without an umbrella in the sun that
gave it to me. Got a bath & then to dinner. I. wrote to
Mabel Ivins this eve but I turned in rather early.
Gave my "Ice Breakers" to Misses P., H., & B. to pick out a
stunt for tomorrow; Mr. & Mrs. H. were there, too,
the latter & Miss J. writing, however, & I think the
quartet had more fun laughing over the book
than doing any real deciding. Cats yawled in the
night and waked us all up about 2 a.m.; several
of the girls from the other side were up; I. waked me.
Mrs. H. also arose; I saw one of the animals run after
the stirring around began. No strawberries again today;
the girls in charge got some eggs from the same wo-
man [woman], however, I hear that the former sweeper and Joseph's two
son's are no longer allowed on the Guest House compound
& if any more stealing is done J. will have to go also; some
sort of stand like this should have been taken long ago
and then so much thieving wouldn't have gone on. Saya

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