



Status: Complete

Asked Miss I. about their Kashmir trip – there were
5 of them besides a boy, they were gone about 6 wks. & it cost in the
neighborhood of R700. Miss B. complimented my talk.

May 31, 1922 – Wednesday
My "speech" was supposed to be in the Gazette this a.m.
but nothing doing. Was busy writing most of the
morn. My egg for chota was bad, as was the fish
yes. for break. A note from Miss P. was here a-
waiting [awaiting] me when I came; Fri. I got off one to her
containing the receipts for my trunks so they
could be gotten from the station & wouldn't have
to pay storage all this time. I suppose I. got off
to M. Mon. eve., but I've been too busy, & it's been too
hot, to investigate. I'm all broken out with prick-
ly [prickly] heat – worse luck! A note from Mrs. E. says my
trunks are at the mission, & I'd better buy my mirror
in R. Miss C. & I went by car to the boat club & were
nearly half an hr late (!); Miss L. was awaiting me
however, & we also met Miss Summer & 3 other S.P.G.
ladies. Miss C. & I didn't pull together very well, I
don't know why; a rain came up & we had to
raise our umbrellas; my right sleeve got wet,
but I fortunately escaped otherwise. Miss L. had
lime & soda & potato chips for us, & then brought
us [?] in her gharry; we would have had to
wait 45 min. for a train, so we walked there &
took a tram. Miss C. remained with the Pursers
for dinner, so we two ate at once – after chang-
ing [changing]; the children had already gone upstairs. I gave
a lecture today on the 5-slate method, while Miss
C. went to the Ed. Dept.; she also wants me to give
one on rhyme & rhythm, which I hope to do this wk.
Also. a good write-up of the Amer. Ass. meet. was in
the eve. paper. I got several home letters today

a C.E., Y. C., Lit. Dig. & Asia, but not I.J's.

June 1, 1922 – Thursday
I went to town after break. going 1st to the Gazette office
as there was a nice notice in this a.m.'s paper, asked
for a dozen copies & about floored them; only got one
off the man's desk – & was referred to the R. R. news
stand as they take all of 18 copies; walked up there,
but nothing doing. Next met Mrs. Richardson on the
street with whom I had a little chat; she hasn't been
well but invited me out for Sunday. Then went to
Dr. O's who ground off my bridge for me; across to
Orr's where I got my dark glasses which were
there for repairs. Then took a rickshaw to the press
where I drew R100 & attended to several jobs. Miss
Peterson, who complimented my speech was there & we then walked together as far
as de Souza's where I spent sometime getting films
sorted – both orders were ready, & I left another.
On the car the power went off & we sat for 20 mins
or more without moving. Got off at [Ahlove?] P.O. &
bought stamps & envelopes for Miss N., & some
(all I could get) of the former for myself. Took a car
the rest of the way out; forgot boys' belladonna plas-
ter [plaster] after all. Had tea before Miss Thomson arrived;
later Miss C. invited me to go with them to the movies.
Saw the de Saulles murder case at the Globe.
Put Miss T. in a gharry & then we took the car, after
we'd each stumbled over some rickshaw shafts.
Had a headache so was halfway sorry I went while
on the car, but they had the best crowd I've ever
seen at a "movie". Trimmed part of my prints, took
a bath & went to bed. The days aren't half long enough to
do all I've got on hands – & no calls made yet. Got some

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