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called together to make out the program of
work, so were told what to do & then dismissed.

June 16, 1922 – Friday
Was late for chapel this a.m. as my watch had lost
time again apparently – this will never do. Miss P. got
back about 2 p.m. in time to have her Bible class.
I called on all the girls for the names of the
books of the O.T. down to the minor prophets, &
most of them did very well. After this Miss
P. got the contractor's workmen to open my re-
maining [remaining] M. Ward box, barrel of "dishes", "box of
books, pictures & alcohol. Then got the sweep-
er [sweeper] to help move the wardrobe into the next
room; the dresser between the doors moved as it,
had been; & the table into the spot thus vaca-
ted [vacated]. My steamer trunk is out, & the machine
in, the dressing-room; my two packing trucks
near the communicating door to be unpack-
ed [unpacked] as I have opportunity. Sorted books & mu-
sic [music] the early part of the day. Had "tea" about
5:30 when I was good & tired after doing all the
lifting, etc. Took off the table cover & put on the
native weave one of my own. Carried in Miss
P's mirror & now have my two out, but will
have to buy another for my dresser – when
it is made – I feel sure. My rocking chair
is not very large, nor so awfully nice, so
far as workmanship is concerned, but
will prove a great boon, I am sure. Miss
H called, so I had to change without my
bath & go down. Girls prayer meeting eve, aft.
our dinner time as well, so didn't get over. Rain-

ing [raining] – don't know whether this will interfere
with the pwè or not.

June 17, 1922 – Saturday
I slept a little late this a.m. so had my B. lesson in my
kimona. The tops are gone to my sugar bowl and teapot
so had the sweeper go with me to the go-down to look
thru all the packing – old papers, excelsia, etc., quite a
job, to see if I could find them, but not so fortunate.
Then had him bring my bed box around & put away
it had been lying on the east portico since Mon. aft.
when it was opened. All this before break; washed
top of wardrobe, table drawers, etc., also, so they could
be drying while I was at other tasks. In the p.m. had
expected to go to the jail to order my furniture, but it
rained & we gave it up – may get to go Mon. The Chi-
nese [Chinese] shoe maker came to see about making a pr. of
white ones for Mrs. E., so gave her my white pumps &
brown oxfords to have him half sole, but he said they
were too far gone & he'd have nothing to sew to. The E.
carpenter came up to see about hanging my mir-
ror [mirror] on the east wall. The durwan & Mrs. E. killed a
centipede about six inches long in the office after
dinner; last night it was a large black scorpion
& the night before two of them! I haven't seen any
of the cobras that infest compound, but they'll
doubtless come in time!! We had music on the vic.
while I read the Gazette & Mrs. E. the S.S. lesson. I brought
the book upstairs expecting to follow her excellent
example, but swarms of white ants descended upon
us, so there was nothing for it but to hurry to bed,
leaving my preparation for the morrow. Turned
the light on the porch, & off in my room so the
insects' dance on their nuptial night would

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