



Status: Complete


August 29, 1922 - Tuesday

Still working on the kindergarten material con-
tained [contained] in the small cupboards. Tackled the 3rd & 4th
(bottom) shelves today, thrown out a lot of trash & have
endless sorting to do. Put the cubes in the large boxes
which is not where they belong "according to Hayla,
but the way my boxes hold out the best; but the
rectangles in the small boxes; the 2 kinds of tri-
angles [triangles] in 2 respective empty wooden chalk boxes.
All the new and old mat-weaving material I took
to my room as sorting it is a tedious job which I'll
do over the weekend or at some other time out of school
hours; haven't found any w.needles but some are
probably stuffed away in one of the other three
cupboards this room contains. The girl - I don't know
her name - helped again a little while this morn. I
get very dirty as everything is covered with dust.
Have asked to have the glass repaired, a broken
pane in one of each of the 3 that have glass doors.
Also mentioned the broken small chairs which
are piled up near by; but Mrs. C. already knew a-
bout [about] both, so suppose they'll get around to all in
turn. The sun unfortunately comes in on this
side both morn. (S.) & afternoon (w), so I get a back-
ache [backache] tho I wear my topee, close the shutters, &
keep in the shade of the wall as much as possible.
My actions are of endless interest to the small
boys & girls who litterally surround me at recess
& have to be driven away so I can breathe & work,


tho' they rarely offer to meddle as - thus far - they
stand too much in awe of the new white woman.

August 30, 1922 - Wednesday

Attacked the large cupboard against the west
wall this a.m.; this seems to contain geological
specimens, shell, coral, weaver birds' nests, dried plants,
a small book of pressed seaweed, pictures, and goodness only knows
what all else. I found four teak (such heavy things) oblong boxes
with 12 partitions each, so shall use half for the small
shells and half for the stones, and place them on the two
lower shelves (excepting the bottom) so the little ones can see
them. I've thrown out boxloads of trash, but absolutely nothing
that could possibly be made of service. Had to stand on the one
big heavy arm chair the place affords to reach the upper
shelves. Wish I had time to wash all the shells, the large
piece of coral, especially, & other things that used
scurbbing; but no time for this now; may come to
such elegance later. Worked on thru' prayer meet-
ing [meeting]- not being used to going to such a service in the
aft. I'm likely to forget it, especially when at work, as
today. The tops, underneath, & behind these cupboard
all have to be cleaned. I did not discover this at first, so
have raked out piles of dirt from these more or less
hidden places. Found the biggest lot of weaving mats so
far; also a lot of the teachers' private property stuffed
in the lower shelves, which always seem to be more
crammed if possible than the lower ones. Get so hot &
dirty. Sorted a lot of old pictures, too, badly eaten by in-
sects [insects] and battered as to corners for the most part. Found
several notebooks which I took to my room to look over
at my leisure. I asked the teachers when these cases
had been overhauled before, & Ma N., who has been

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