



Status: Complete

October 16, 1903

Sinking on North Rapidan to Begin.

Manasseh Boyle was an arrival from Como today. He says that Manager Emmet Boyle and his bride are installed in their hone at the North Rapidan and that sinking the shaft on that mine to the drain tunnel level -- 300 feet or more below its present depth -- will begin at an early date. The shaft is sunk on an incline of about sixty degrees following the ore vein. Mr. Boyle stated that Manager Rae of the Como-Eureka was making preparations to sink the shaft on that property 200 feet below its present depth to obtain water for his milling plant -- Report.

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This article is not from the Nevada State Journal on the 16th, another article is. I could not find this particular article anywhere on this date, in Nevada. It is in the format that the NSJ uses.