



Status: Complete

D. O’Donovan Rossa, connected with the Pacific Coast terminal of the new Santa Fe Continental railroad is visiting Carson. He likes Nevada and its Capital City, and makes plenty of friends wherever he goes.


June 9, 1900.

Help From the Faucet.

A small hydraulic motor, very cheap and entirely practical, and which can be readily applied to any faucet to which an ordinary hose can be coupled, is being marketed by a Springfield (Mass.) concern. The equipment supplied with each motor, as described by the Philadelphia Record, consists of an emery wheel, a buffing wheel and a small pulley. It is designed for use in bicycle shops and in kitchens where any quantity of knife sharpening silver polishing is to be done. With the aid of the pulley and a belt the power may be readily transmitted. A water pressure of forty pounds to the square inch at the faucet will exert sufficient power to start the motor and keep it going almost indefinitely. A glance at the accompanying illustration will give an idea of the compactness of this handy little device.

[image: drawing of Hydraulic Motor for Household Use}


[Joe Casper] threw up his hands and pitched forward on the floor, dead.

Deceased was a native of Switzerland aged 57 years, and had been a resident of this city for 27 years.

He was a member of the Warren Engine Company and the local branch of the A.O.U.W., under the auspices of which order the funeral will take place Sunday afternoon at 2 o’clock.

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