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Needs Review



[written] W. B. San

W. B. Stevens East Montpelier Vermont

Last edit 4 months ago by KokaKli
Needs Review


you desire. My school will consist of ten or twelve boarders and twenty to thirty day scholars, making a very pleasant number.

I shall ever be pleased to hear from you and to aid you in any way I can. Should you write again, I hope to be able to reply immediately.

Very truly yours, A.E. Leavenworth

[page break] West Brattleboro, Vermont; August 12th, 1861.

W. B. Stevens; -

Dear Sir,

Unfortunately, your letter of about a month since came to my hand jsut at a time when I was disabled from writing on account of any injury to the thumb on my right hand. I should have secured the services of another, in writing a reply if I could have given you a favorable answer. I should be pleased to have you with me and have hoped that something favorable to that result would occur. But I must tell you frankly that I think Mr.

Last edit 4 months ago by KokaKli
Needs Review


Spaulding's school at Barre would be a better place for you, since he has, usually, a large class of young men in preparation. With me you would be alone in your studies. I should give you all necessary time. and perhaps the necessity of reciting the whole of every lesson and of answering every question might more than make up for the excitement to effort induced by contact with other minds in the same studies. I have been here only one year, and have no scholars advanced to within one year of college. A fair number of young men have already enlisted for the fall, but, tho' several of them are in Latin, they are only beginners, all being in the Reader

[page break] yet. I trust that you may have found a situation to your mind. A fit for College should be thorough, and there is danger that if you teach while you study, you will not have time to be as thorough in attending to the particles and minutia of the grammar of the languages you propose to study as you should be. If you wish to get along easily in college and have time for general culture, you must master the formulae of the Latin and Greek Ggrammers, rather than attempt to read over much grand in either language.

As I said, I should be pleased to have you with me as a scholar, but I cannot now offer you the situation

Last edit 4 months ago by KokaKli
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