
The diaries of Joan Marion Drake (1940-1945) detail six years of the life of a young English school-child during WWII. She was the daughter of a farmer, dutiful to her studies, and she remarks on the war.





28 SUNDAY Went to Sunday School and Chapel in morning. Went to Sunday School in afternoon. Then went for a long walk with Roger.

MARCH 1 MONDAY Russian week at school. Miss Rambant gave a lecture on Russia. Not too bad. Played hockey in afternoon. Lovely day.

2 TUESDAY Miss Saunders and Margaret Gentle gave us a lecture on Tolstoy After Break Miss Bufton lectured to us on Russian History. Lovely afternoon.

3 WEDNESDAY Joyce Horton read lecutre [lecture] by Barbara Keating on the Russian [Bab] Mary Davis demonstrated steps In afternoon Lewis Godewsky gave a violin recital. Very good. Made scones in cookery.

4 THURSDAY Miss Roy gave a lecture on Russian collective following Miss Garnet on Russian cookery. In afternoon had a concert. VI acted good play. Peter who was knocked badly by lorry yesterday is a bit []

5 FRIDAY Poems by Mayorski were read and recited after prayers. In afternoon we had sketches about Russian school children music and dancing lovely afternoon. Mummy got bad cold.

6 SATURDAY Helped mummy in morning and washed my jumper and gloves. Betty came over in afternoon and stayed for tea. Wrote up some of my Russia week Diary.

Last edit over 1 year ago by Tintern


MARCH 1943

7 SUNDAY Went to S School and Chapel in morning. Went to Sunday School in afternoon. Afterwards went a long walk with Roger up one of the runways.

8 MONDAY Mummy spring cleaned the pantry Janet and I helped. I went to Sutton to get some distemper Daddy started a new job. Rather cold day. Listened to Monday N at 8.

9 TUESDAY Lovely day. Mummy washed I pegged out clothes. Auntie Winnie Roger and Doreen Hail came to tea. Daddy brought his new car home.

10 WEDNESDAY Lovely day. Made pancakes in cookery. 2½d. Gave Miss Borough a pigs bladder blown up. Had some fun with it. Mummy went to Ely with Dad.

11 THURSDAY Dull day. Did Gym. Had double prep as Miss Bufton was away. Went to dress makers after school. Had a lot of homework

12 FRIDAY Lovely day. Went to Sutton to see if Mr Craven Had any sweets but he had only got choc. Did homework in evening.

13 SATURDAY Caught the 10.30 bus and went to Littleport with Janet to see June Bent. Had a nice time Got home at 6.25

Last edit over 1 year ago by Tintern


MARCH 1943

14 SUNDAY Went to S School and Chapel in morning. Afterwards had a practice of play. Did not go to S School in afternoon. Lovely day.

15 MONDAY Foggy Morning but lovely afternoon. Played games. Miss Vye Gwen and Mrs Gambert came to tea played games in evening.

16 TUESDAY Another lovely day. Joy came up to tea. Walked half way back with her. Dad home in evening.

17 WEDNESDAY Made chocolate sponge in cookery very nice. 3d. Did some diagrams in science. Read Rurals in English had quite a lot of H.W.

18 THURSDAY Weather quite cold. Had an inspection and hats and fingernails in prep. Went to a practice of play in evening had a lot of homework. Went to bed at [?]

19 FRIDAY nice day. Mummy went to First Aid Practice in Evening chMr Stewart went home for week end.

20 SATURDAY Lovely day. did veges and made Cornish pasties in morning In afternoon cleaned the car. In evening, saw inside the caravan next door had hair [?]

Last edit over 1 year ago by Tintern


MARCH 1943

21 SUNDAY Went to chapel in morning Daddy preached. Went to Sunday school in afternoon and afterwards went for a short walk with Roger Auntie Marion & Grandma came to tea. Played [ha]

22 MONDAY *Mr Stewart walked home from Ely. Played games half time. Went to dress rehersal of play in evening lovely day.

23 TUESDAY Missionary play in evening got through my part alright. Proceeds amounted to £3.18/.

24 WEDNESDAY Made potato scones in cookery. 2d. Went to concert in officers mess hut. Not too bad Regie sang and was bood. Proceeds for St Johns Ambulance brigade.

25 THURSDAY Did not do gym. wet day. Mr Eric Newton gave us a lecture with lanterne slides on act. not to bad. Mr Constable came in evening.

26 FRIDAY Lovely day wMiss Roy away so did prep. Went to Wardy Hill in evening with Daddy in car. Did homework

27 SATURDAY Helped Mummy in morning and did some washing did homework in afternoon and evening. Rather windy day.

Last edit over 1 year ago by Theakir



Went to Sunday School and Chapel in morning. Went to Sunday School in afternoon and afterward Went for walk with Roger Picked violets

29 MONDAY Nice day to start with Played netball. Very dull in afternoon rained a bit in afternoon. Some went home we went to hear Miss Tilly lecture on Early Christian Churches.

30 TUESDAY Very windy day. Miss Roy back at School. Nearly got caught in school by Miss Baird at dinner time.

31 WEDNESDAY Made choc sponges in cookery. 3d. Miss Borough sent work in science. Got it done quickly and did Later H.W. Wet windy day

APRIL 1 THURSDAY Played a good trick on June and Betty. Roger's birthday. Mr & Mrs Constable and Walter came up in evening and played games.

2 FRIDAY Had a long and interesting letter from Sheila. Had my hair washed in evening.

3 SATURDAY Helped Mummy in morning. Had a bath and then went to Rogers party. Hilda's baby Margaret was there. She is very sweet.

Last edit over 1 year ago by Theakir
Displaying pages 16 - 20 of 77 in total