



Status: Complete

Monday the 28th April 1834
First part of these 24 hours
fine pleasant SE breezes wutg
frequent fog squalls. Ship under
all sail. Steering N W by W per
compass but saw nothing. At 7 pm
took in top gallant sails and
banked for the knight [night]. Middle
and latter part the wind the same.
Weather pleasant. At day
light set top gallant sails and
steered off our course. At 9 oclok [o'clock]
took a lunar by measuring the
distance of the moon from the sun.
longitude deducted from this observation
was 13:51. We then squared our yards
and steered Nth. At 11 made [illegible]
of ascension bearing per compass
N by W distance 10 leagues. So goes
Lat obsd 8:21 Long 14:10

Tuesday the 29th
Commenced with pleasant SE
breezes. Ship under all sail. Standing
in for the land at 6 oclok [o'clock] flag
staff point bearing NNE distance
10 miles. Saw sperm whales but
the day too far spent to go after
them. At sun set shortened sail
and stood to the W ward by the
wind. At mid knight [night] [wore?] [ship?]
stood in for the land. Latter part
the wind and weather the same.
At day light set all sail with
a sharp look out kept but saw
nothing. So ends the same.
as the [ohs?]

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