



Status: Indexed

Depuying Camp - 1913

Fred (Bill) Epps came galloping up the bank and over to the tent where
Dad was getting a feed ready, jumped off his horse and said, "I've been
bitten by a snake." "How, and where?" I got off and squatted down where
we always have a drink. By this time he had lowered his strides and sure
enough two punctures showed on his posterior. Dad to action - procured his
razor (cut-throat) and getting Bill in position, made the necessary incision
rubbed Condy's into it and at this juncture Buck Geoghan turned up and got
the story. He showed concern. "You must not go to sleep. You have to keep
moving all night." Poor Bill mooched round the fire. The other two after a
while went off to bed leaving instructions to keep awake.

Next morning when they got up, Bill was sound asleep alongside the fire.
On crossing the creek that day, Dad said, "Just where and how did it happen?"
Bill got off his horse and squatted down and lept to his feet, bitten again.
There were roars of laughter. I guess Bill had just got a new pair of spurs
with long shanks and was not used to the extra length and sat on 'em.


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