Frederick Douglass to J. S. Woods, June 5, 1889





(June 1889) p. 63


Our co-operative plans for the circulation of THE AFRO-AMERICAN BUDGET is one that will be heartily entered into by all lovers of good books. We are glad that we can offer such a plan. There are many ministers and school teachers, as well as others, who would like to have a good library of useful books, but cannot afford to pay the regular market price for them. Our co-operative plan secures for those who will take it a membership in the Home Library Association, where they can have the great privilege of purchasing any book, periodical or music at wholesale price, even if they do not buy but one book. Write to us for further information relative to our co-operative plans


We present below a few of the many kind words received from our friends. These words of cheer and congratulation are being received daily, and we only wish we had space to publish them. The magazine will live to do its work as long as such friends continue their help.


Harrisburg, Pa., May 21, 1889. Mr. Wm. H. Twiggs -- Dear Sir: I have been handed a copy of THE AFROMERICAN BUDGET, and must express myself as greatly pleased with it. Permit me to congratulate you upon the thought of giving to the colored people of this country a MONTHLY MAGAZINE. I will do anything in my power for the success of THE BUDGET. Yours fraternally, J. H. W. HOWARD.

Yazoo City, Miss., June 6, 1889. Mr. J. S. Woods -- Dear Sir: THE AFRO-AMERICAN BUDGET is received. I am glad to say that I am much pleased with its contents and will do all I can to put it in circulation. I am glad that such reading matter is being circulated by a member of my race. I am interested in anything which pertains to the elevation of the Negro race and will do all I can to make THE AFRO-AMERICAN BUDGET a successful magazine. * * * Yours truly, KATIE BOWMAN.


St. Paul, Minn., May 25, 1889. Mr. J. S. Woods, Evanston, Ill. -- Dear Brother: Yours of 22d at hand. I have read the first number of THE AFROAMERICAN BUDGET and think it very nice. Plenty of capital behind it and such energetic work as you can lend to it will assure its success. I am at present furnishing three stories to two papers and one magazine, besides several unfulfilled contracts for other articles. But if at sometime you want an article, I will gladly contribute it as a token of the hearty sympathy which I feel to your enterprise. * * * Yours truly, J. M. HENDERSON.

* * * Cedar Hill, Anacosta, D.C., June 5, 1889. MY DEAR MR. WOODS: I have duly received THE AFRO-AMERICAN BUDGET. You have my best wishes for its success. The eminent corps of writers you have obtained for it, out to insure its suces [success]. It may yet become the light of the West. I am glad that while it is a religious publication, it does not forget that we have earthly as well as heavenly relations and that the light of our best intelligence ought to be thrown upon the one as well as upon the other. With great respect, I am Yours truly, FREDERICK DOUGLASS.

Last edit 12 months ago by JOHN R KAUFMAN-MCKIVIGAN
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