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ed me to every point of peculiar, interest, and interpreted all the curious mottos and hand-writings on the walls and pillars of the building. We next descend into the Crypts. The one called Joseline's Crypt is considered one of the finest in the Kingdom; it is vast in size—rows of columns, arches, and piers, of various forms, traverse it in wanted order, having capitals of every variety, from the simple Norman, to the most intricate ornament—groinings spring from the columns, and exhibit an astonishing combination of beautiful tracery that may well attract the admiration of the first architects. A tomb, upon a raised platform, of dwhich is the recumbent effigy of a bishop in his robes, is consecrated, by tradition, as that of St. Kentigern, Over the tomb are hanging the remains of a pendant lamp, which is said to have been kept burning for centuries. The readers of Rob Roy will remember that in this Crypt, service was performed in the days when Frank Osbaldistone journeyed to Glasgow, to meet MacVittie & Co.; and just as I was peering through a portion of "the dark and extensive caverns which yawn around," and giving full reins to imagination, as I wandered down the dreary aisles, I was startled by the friend at my side, saying, "It was behind one of these pillars, that the warning figure glided, when the voice whispered, 'you are in danger in this city." In truth, I felt as if I almost expected the gallant Highlander to come forth : and it was not until I reached the open air, and the light of day, that the strange mesmeric influence passed away.

It is interesting to hear that Royalty itself is not proof against the spell woven by the Great Enchanter of the North. I am told that , when our good Queen came to Glasgow, she was particularly desirous to see the Salt Market, where BAILIE NICHOL JARVIE lived.

I made a visit to the "Boys' House of Ref-

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Frederick Douglass Papers

Hello. Just a note that you do not need to transcribe the markings done by hand that are noting which page this is (4 of 8). Those were added by the editors to help keep the pages in order. They don't need to go in the transcription.