



Status: Complete

Toronto friends, (made in reply to my expres-
sions of astonishment at the intellectual charac-
ter of the heads that composed the Synod of
"the Free Presbyterian Church of Canada, "
assembled at Toronto in 1854.) " If the heart
of a Scotchman be right, there's nae doubt about
his head." I am truly rejected at the deep and
earnest Anti-Slavery feeling in Glasgow; the
active friends of the cause are many; and they
are glad of all the information that can be give-
en them by those who have been nearer to the
scene of action than they. I am continually
asked. " why the Industrial School does not go
forward?" and especial interest is manifested
on the subject. This is the 16th, and the first
day of the Philadelphia Convention. Most
fervently do I trust that something, in regard to
this proposed School, will be decided on, and
carried into operation. Hope on,
and work on,
my dear colored friends; rest assured that the
heartfelt sympathy of some of the best people
in Great Britain is yours. and sure I am
that, when the right times comes, they will show
that they are ready to help you in your ardu-
ous undertaking.

Yours, right truly.


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