



Status: Complete

so doing, we do not endorse all the positions
of the party, as you so conclusively proved in
your able array of the reasons which induced
you, in the Fremont campaign, to unfurl the
Republican standard, regardless of the attacks
upon your Anti-slavery consistency. I be-
lieve you acted wisely. I also believe that I
do not abate one jot or tittle of my Anti-sla-
very consistency by still adhering to he posi-
tion you then assumed and triumphantly
maintained. Let us then do something more
than denounce Republicans for not doing their
duty to the slave. We should appeal to them
to be consistent with their own platform, and
give us here in New York, the Elective Fran-
chise. Expediency does not always involve a
compromise of moral principle, a derelction of
duty. If I mistake not, we are commanded in
the good book to be as "wise as serpents."

Again: the article in question is objection-
able in another respect. While a few of us
are endeavoring to concentrate our scattered
forces throughout the State, and bring our
united efforts to bear upon the present Legis-
lature, to the end that we may obtain without
a property qualification, the right of Suffrage,
you come with your dividing wedge, and ask
the questions: "Is it right, is it wise to
thrown our entire public and organized move-
ments into the single issue of the Suffrage
Question? Are there not other objects hard-
ly less important, and decidedly more accessi-
ble in which we could concentrate our efforts
from Buffalo to Montauk Point?" You then
divert our attention from the issue which we
are now making with the Slave Power in New
York, and present another issue for our con-
templation. This, I conceive, to be uncalled
for, and unwise. For it is calculated, if not
intended, to divert attention from the special
movement some of us are already making for
our enfranchisement. I do not believe that
you would suggest a line of duty, having a
tendency to induce on the Suffrage question,
that suicidal lethargy which, for the past few
years, has characterized us, even amid the con-
vulsive upheavings which have shaken the

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