


Status: Complete

An Act to organize a County to be called Marion County

Section 1st Be it enacted by the Governor and Legislative Council of the Territory of Florida That the District of
country bounded as follows, to wit: begining on the North Bank of the Big Withhlacooche River, as the range
line dividing range lines Seventeen and eighteen, running North to the Township line dividing Township lines
eleven and twelve; Thence East along said line to Orange Lake; thence down said Lake to Orange
Creek; thence down said Creek to its Junction with the Oclawaha river; thence down said river
to the orange line, dividing range lines, twenty six and twenty seven; thence South along said line to Township
line dividing Township twenty one and twenty two; thence West to the head of the Little Withlacoochee river
; thence down said river, to its junction with the big Withlacoochee river; thence down said last
mentioned river, to teh place of beginning, shall constitute a County to be called Marion County.

Section 2d Be it further enacted That for the protection and administration of Justice in the county
established by this act, the Governor of this Territory be, and is hereby empowered to appoint such officers as
he is or may hereafter be authorised to appoint in the different Counties in the Territory.

Section 3d Be it further enacted That the legal voters of said County be, and are hereby, authorized to elect
such officers, civil and military, asa are authorized by law in several counties of this Territory; and the Officers
so elected, shall hold their respective offices for the same period; exercise the same powers; incur the same penalties
and be entitled to the same compensation and emoluments, as are or may here after be provided for the officers
of the same grade, within the several Counties of this Territory.

Section 4 Be it further enacted That the time for holding elections for officers authorized to be elected by the third section
of this act, shall be designated by the officers of said County, as provided for by law; and whenever any vacancy
shall occur the officers aforesaid shall order elections to fill such vacancies.

Section 5th Be it further enacted That the Judge of the County Court to be appointed by virtue of this act shall
hold two terms of his Court beginning on the fourth Monday in March and on the dourth Monday in October
in each and every year which Courts shall be held at Fort Kurq until a permanent County site be se-
lected and established.

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