Letter 2020.102.116





At home Saturday eve.

My dear Mrs. Grandy:

Your card rec'd and I'm ashamed when I realize how long it has been since I returned from such a pleasant visit in your home and not a word to show my appreciation of your kindness! But I guess you'll realize how many spare moments I have had.

I arrived home rather late Sunday evening as I didn't get to Oceanside in time for the noon train out. I had a hard experience at

Last edit 11 months ago by Gilb Museum of Arcadia Heritage


the depot in L. A. A crowd at each window of people getting excursion tickets signed up so I lined up with the rest and when I got up to the window, discovered that someone had relieved me of my pocket book. The little purse was taken out of my handbag and I hadn't the slightest idea when. I had taken a silver dollar and put it in my stocking that morning as I always do when traveling. Then I put my change in the car in from Whittier in the satchel loose so I only had about 2.25 in my purse, but even that hurt me and

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I was so disgusted that I didn't spend it. Hereafter, I'll spend every cent I have before I start for home.

Paul and I went out to the Fair Grounds today-. We drove out with a friend who has three youngsters and then with Doug and Janet Mayer. You think we didn't have our hands full. I was tired enough to drop when I got home but had set bread so had that to bake and, after supper, I put out a big line of baby's and Don's clothes. Swept the dining room and kitchen and cleaned it for tomorrow and put away

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the kid's clothes for the week. It's almost 11:30 now and I'm in bed writing. Paul went to a H.S. party and Giles to a dance, so I'm nurse. Mama's away on a nursing case again. Donald has been, [foltring ?], so I had to stop here and go upstairs and attend to his little wants, namely change his wet night clohtes and put dry pads on the bed. (Oh yes, I believe in large families too.)

I'm going to send you that little book, "The American Settlers Guide." It is a 1908 edition and new laws have been passed within

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the past year so it may not be of much use to you. We have some acquaintances here who are looking for government lands in Oregon. They expect to go up that way soon and are constantly getting circulars regarding the places there. I'm going to get the addresses and send along to you so you can get some valuable circulars too if you wish them.

This country is fast filling up. It's hard to get good ranches now and a few years ago, they were plentiful. Everything is advancing in price too.

I can't write much more tonight as I'm too tired. The kids

Last edit 11 months ago by Gilb Museum of Arcadia Heritage
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