




North Jackson, IL June 7th, ['93?]

My dear cousin: Your, [sweet?], letter received and what a ton of days gone by runs through the whole of it. I certainly seem, [ed?], more like, [Edith?], five years ago than any I have received from, [Pitts?]. How glad I am to learn you are in so good spirits and that ere long, [we?}, can have again with us our own sweet Cousin E, [(Three cheers?)]. It is too bad that you did not get out in

Last edit 4 months ago by Gilb Museum of Arcadia Heritage


the country while, [Spring?], was decked in the most beautiful robe she has worn for several years. [Spring?], attire and, [?], Emily have, at last, decided on wearing the most gorgeous colors that can be found. I am glad you are kindly remembered with flowers while enclosed in that old, [H.H.?]. Just so the, [?], don't seek to, [carry?], off or, [lure?] away my own, [?], [lavished?]. Last Sunday night, we had our Children's Day, [exercises?], [?], of it was good, but oh how we had to work to make it so. Worked days and practiced nights. We attempted to make a

Last edit 4 months ago by Gilb Museum of Arcadia Heritage


[note?], "Welcome" out of paper roses and it took about every afternoon for a week. I made the greater part of it. Then on Sunday afternoon, I, [almost?], made the loveliest cross, (about 4 feet long), and a crown out of white, [lacery?], which was placed below the welcome and below the cross, was a bank of, [pansy?], blossoms surrounded with white snowballs and, [boquetts?], by the dozen, [almost?]. In front of the stage were palms and other decorating in the church of, [?], etc. You can't imagine all the playing and, [planning?], I had to do. I played the opening march and the performers all marched in and we had a dialogue

Last edit 4 months ago by Gilb Museum of Arcadia Heritage


of eleven which, with my help, was got up in, [three days?], and it was most excellent. Oh, I was so glad. For the church was crowded and outside enough to again half fill it. We got $16.53 for our collection. Two weeks ago, we were at the State Conv. at, [Canton?]. Oh, it was grand. [We've?], [gone], [5 da], and what a spiritual feast that was. We had with us their three dear missionaries. One was Brother Smith, who a few years ago, went over to Japan and lost his wife. When he returned, he married the

Last edit 4 months ago by Gilb Museum of Arcadia Heritage


beloved State President, Candice Layman, and went back to J. After a time, they had a little child and I think, before the child was 2 years old, it died in that dreary land and now they have, again, been obliged to again return to America for their health, but will return again as soon as they are able. Oh such a sweet woman as Sister Smith is. She is perfectly lovely and so devoted to Christ. She stood before that vas, [vast?], assembly telling of her dear dead babe and how it drew to them the

Last edit 4 months ago by Gilb Museum of Arcadia Heritage
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