




[[image, top left corner]: The Art Institute of Chicago; Art: Theory, Practice, History]]

[[top right corner]: Charles I. Hutchinson, President Martin A. Ryerson, Frank G. Logan, Vice Presidents Ernest A. Hamill, Treasurer Newton H. Carpenter, Business Manager William F. Tuttle, Secretary George W. Eggers, Director Telephone Central 7080 Cable address "Arti Chicago"]]

Chicago, Ill. March 21, 1919

Miss Alice Grandy Dear little girl: I think that Gae got her letter a day ahead of you and Helen this time because I mailed hers yesterday and then could not find where I had put yours. So here goes a brand new one to take the place of the one that is lost.

I'm very, very busy these days so don't get a chance to do as much writing as I would like to do but I have found no girls to take the place of my little Grandys.

We had a big carnival in the Art Institute some time ago, which I wish you could have seen. The best I can do is to give you a program.

More of our boys are coming back every day. We sent 428 and lost seventeen, which was a pretty good showing for our school, I think. At that, I do not think that nearly all the names of the men we sent are known. It is also doubtful that the names of all the American dead in the war will be known. There is a cemetary six miles long at Verdun though the French and British fill most of it.

Yesterday, I saw a troop train along side of the track and the fellows crowded along to get near home people again. Yet the crowd was cold and paid little or no attention to the men. And you could

Last edit 2 months ago by Gilb Museum of Arcadia Heritage


see that the boys were hurt. Some of them had been in France a year and a half; some of them were wounded. But they passed through town by the thousands and Chicago has seen them till the novelty is gone which explains it, I suppose.

It is nearly time to start counting up the day's cash. I take in from $30.00 to $100.30 a day and it keeps me pretty well out of mischief.

I'll have to close now.

With lots of love,

Uncle Fred

Last edit 2 months ago by Gilb Museum of Arcadia Heritage
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