


Status: Complete

girl to me. I think of you each and every day and wishing you were here.

I am on guard tonite for all nite, but there is no walking to it. All I have to do is sit up here and watch for boats. It surely is a soft job. I guess that is why I like it.

I got some bad news about the middle of last month. My grandmother died the twenty-third of February. She was seventy-one years old.

How is the church and everything?

How is the class I used to have coming along? How is the Christian Endeavor?

By the way, darling, I wish you to do me a favor. I wish you would go to the President of the C.E. and get me reinstated and then go to the treasurer and find out what my back dues are and also what they will be per month after that. Have the treasurer compute my dues up till the month of May and then write to me and tell me the amount. I should have attended to this before, but I kept putting it off. Please do me this favor and I will be much obliged.

I will soon be out of this Army and then I am going back to old Michigan

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