


Status: Complete

Called up Pollocks and he came in
and talked to me. Said he hadn't
hired any since you left and,
when you left, he thot [thought] he would
be haveing [having] little chicks about
Jan 1st, but now has decided
to not get [En?] until later part
of Jan. The hatcheries want the
earlier ones for other purposes.
But if you want to come back,
then he'd be glad to have you.

Called up Mrs. Wordland this
a.m., employment agency police
matron you know at City Hall.
She said absolutely there were
no calls coming in from folks
wanting work done. Everything
in work line seems to be at a
stand still.

Merchants are complaining and they
keep having special sales and every
thing to help stimulate biz. [business].
So as far as I know, nobody's got
work for you be mother, (me) and
then you'd half-too, [have to], work for your
board, ha, ha!

Why don't you go fishing, or don't they
bite in winter? Gold fish eat and are
lively in winter. I know. Get Ellie to
give you his fishing outfit and to
tell you the best places to go fishing.

[[inserted left margin]: Are there wild rabbits up there? If so, try to get one, occasionally.]]

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