


Status: Complete


Got 3 from Roackers this afternoon.
Salisbury, N.C. 719 So. Fulton
Street. Perhaps you can get a
souvenir carol of scenery up there
and send them Christmas greetings
from there, also Ma Harrington and
whoever you like. They would all
appreciate it.

Helen and Opal called a few min.
yesterday afternoon, going shopping.
H. wanted to know if I would like
to see Virginia and "Billy" at X'Mas in the a.m.
Going to let them get up from 5 to 6
so as to please Dale and Opal who want
to start on milk route no later than
7 o'clock so they can be in Caty for
2 or 3 o'clock dinner. Can you bear it?
Alice & C.E.'s are going out Christmas
carroling in eve or X'Mas morning.

Well, I've just monkeyed
around most of the day and I was in
hopes I'd get Gae's new flannelette
pajamas about finished today and
I've not got 1 stitch in yet.

I've been thinking over about
sending you new licences. There's
no hurry so guess I'll keep 'em
until after Christmas and perhaps
you will be home. Hope so, don't
you? Take good care of yourself for
a great many people are sick with

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