Elliott, Stephen, 1771-1830. Stephen Elliott papers, 1791- approximately 1947. Plant lists. gra00020. Archives of the Gray Herbarium, Botany Libraries, Harvard University.

Contains undated lists of plants and trees “which would thrive in the mild climate of Charleston,” South Carolina, including cork trees, fig trees from Italy, and lemon and lime trees from Portugal; lists of genera and species under Linnaean classes of plants including Syngenesia, Dodecandria, Monadelphia, Diadelphia, Triandria, and Octandria; a list of Sarracenia rubra; and a list fragment of other plant names and numbers. There are also descriptions of Tetrandria monogynia and Lyonia, and illustrations of flowers, in an unknown hand.


(seq. 21)

(seq. 21)

Phaethusa 1. americana Verbesina 1. virginica #220 x 2. siegesbeckia Buphthalmum # 1. frutescens —# —x 2. helianthoides Helianthus 1. multiflorus 2. pubescens 225. x 3. mollis x 4. trachelifolius 5. decapetalus x 6. frondosus 7. strumosus 8. prostratus 9. giganteus 10. altissimus # 11. angustifolius x 12. divaricatus 235. # 13. atrorubens. Galardia [Gaillardia] 1. bicolor 2. fimbriata Rudbeckia x 1. laciniata 2. digitata 240 x 3. triloba 4. hirta x 5. fulgida 6. spathulata 7. amplexifolia 245 8. purpurea

9. angustifolia Coreopsis # 1. verticillata 2. tenuifolia 3. trichosperma 250 4. aristata 5. mitis 6. aurea 7. tripteris # 8. senifolia x 9. auriculata # 10. lanceolata 11. crassifolia 12. latifolia 13. angustifolia 260. x 14. alternifolia 15. procera. == Baltimora 1. recta. Silphium 1. laciniatum # 2. compositum 265. 3. therebinthinaceum [terebinthinaceum] x 4. perfoliatum 5. connatum. # 6. asteriscus #? 7. pumilum 270.8 integrifolium 9. trifoliatum 10. ternatum 11. atropurpureum

Last edit over 3 years ago by Judy Warnement
(seq. 22)

(seq. 22)

Polymnia x 1. canadensis. 275. # uvedalia Chrysogonum # 1. virginianum Parthenium 1. integrifolium Iva. 1. cilicata # 2. imbricata 280. # 3. frutescens. Elephantopus # 1. carolinianus.

Prenanthes x. cordata Vernonia # angustifolia Persoonia # lanceolata Conyza # pycnostachya # asteroides # linifolia. # foetida. # amplexicaulis Nula # graminifolia punctata. Chrysanthemum # leucanthemum Rudbeckia #? —— Gnaphalium x. germanicum Anthemis x cotula Senecio lobatus

Last edit over 3 years ago by Judy Warnement
(seq. 23)

(seq. 23)

x 3. reniformis Ethulia 1. uniflora Mikania # 1. scandens Eupatorium 50. # {1. hyssopifolium # {2. linearifolium # 3. coronopifolium # 4. foeniculaceum x 5. septifolium 6. truncatum # 7. album x 8. lanceolatum #? 9. teucrifolium 10. cuneifolium 60. 11. melisoides # 12. rotundifolium 13. altissimum x 14. ceanothifolium x 15. pubescens 16. trifoliatum # 17. purpureum 18. maculatum 19. verticillatum # 20. perfoliatum 70. # 21. coelestinum. # 22. aromaticum x 23. ageratoides Kuhnia 1. eupatorioides # 2. critonia Hymenopappus 75.# 1 scabioneus

Gnaphalium [illeg.] # 1. obtusifolium x 2. margaritaceum 3. plantaginifolium # 4. purpureum 80. 5. americanum x 6. uliginosum == Baccharis 1. ivafolia 2. halimifolia 3. foetida Conyza 85. 1. bifrons 2. carolinensis 3. virgata Erigeron 1. carolinianum 2. nervosum 90. 3. canadense x 4. strigosum x 5. heterophyllum # 6. philadelphicum 7. purpureum 95.#? x 8. bellidifolium long: x 9. camphoratum Tussilago # 1. integrifolia 2. palmata Senecio. x 1. hieracifolius 100. 2. canadensis. x 3. aureus x 4. balsamita x 5. obovatus

Last edit over 3 years ago by Judy Warnement
(seq. 24)

(seq. 24)

Syngenesia. Tragopogon. 1. Dandelion. Sonchus. 1. macrophyllus. x 2. leucophaeus 3. floridanus 4. acuminatus 5. pallidus Lactuca 1. elongata Prenanthes # - 1. virgata. # - 2. alba 10. 3. rubicunda. 4. altissima Leontodon 1. taraxacum Hieracium # 1. venosum # 2. gronovii 15.x 3. paniculatum x 4. marianum 5. kalmii Hyoseris 1. prenanthoides Krigia # 1. virginica Arctium 20. 1. lappa

Vernonia x 1. noveboracensis 2. praealta. 3. glauca. Liatris # 1. squarrosa 25 2. scariosa # 3. elegans 4. pilosa 5. graminifolia 6. spicata 30. # - 7. paniculata 8. odoratissima Carduus # 1. virginianus Cnicus x 1. lanceolatus x 2. discolor 35. x 3. altissima Stokesia 1 cyanea Bidens x 1. cernua # 2. chrysanthemoides x 3. frondosa 40 4. connata 5. pilosa. 6. bipinnata # 7. nivea 8. bullata Cacalia. 45. x 1. suaveolens x 2. atriplicifolia

Last edit over 3 years ago by Judy Warnement
(seq. 25)

(seq. 25)

The number of plants and trees which would thrive in the mild climate of Charlestown, is very great, and it will be an easy thing for you to make a selection of them from the botanic works; but those that occur to me as more likely to be had, and easily introdu= ced are the following

1 The Cork tree — from Portugal where it is called Sovereyra

2 The Quercus ballota — from the same coun= try where the tree is called Azinheira, and the acorn Bellota doce. This fruit is four times as big as that of the Live oak, and of a taste between the almond and the chestnut.

3 The Pinus pinea — This tree grows in the form of an umbrella, the almonds are large and very sweet, and among the Italians one of their esteemed sweet meats called Piganocata Brotero in the Flora Lusitanica marks two varieties, the almond of one of them has a soft shell, this is to be preferred, and to be had from Portugal.

Last edit over 3 years ago by Judy Warnement
Displaying pages 21 - 25 of 94 in total