(seq. 485)




Status: Indexed


Materia Medica


athrytic affections, and it is also dangerous to remove it to suddenly,
the diseases which mercury induces, and its modus operandi should
naturally be discussed here, but I hardly think it worth while,
it acts not by inducing evacuation or does it mechanically or
according to Dr Cullen by determining to the salivary glands, for a
satisfactory account of this subject I refer you to Mr Adams where
he considers it in his treatment on morbid Poisons and to Mr

Emetics. There are such articles as discharge the
contents of the stomach by vomiting, they constitute one of the most
important class of medicines and I shall endeavor to do justice to
it. Emetics were employ’d by the most antient [ancient] Physicians and
were perhaps among the first medicines used. Savage nations have a
considerable knowledge of them, the Brazillians first use the Epecac.
and discovered it to the Europeans, the Indians of the Sea Nations
are acquainted with no less than Sixteen different Emetics all except
one derived from the vegitable Kingdom, they also know of the
Sulfate of Iron. I know not why Physicians are so averse to the
employment of Emetics, as if there was something hostile in them, some
of them say it is contrary to the order of Nature, now I think the verry
reverse, for nature herself seems to indicate the usefullness of that

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