(seq. 4)




Status: Complete

Leaves aleinate- multi-lobate a tripartite
Capusle long and unilocular containing
a great many small black seeds - June - July
Dedynamia Angyohemia
74~ Melamlym Cal. 4-from Corone lab
[illegible] replicate. Caps
2 local, [illegible]
2, gibba
Sylvatieum 5 M. for seconds; bacteria, for
Conjungation remote; [illegible]
July- it is now in full bloom in the woods
in great plenty
Synglenesia Monogamia[illegible]
Lobelia Cal. 5 figure. Corolla petals, irregular,
[illegible] inform 2L. 3- local
follow information
Lobelia 4 S..[illegible]
I have met with a short growing by wall, in
bushes and on ledges, known[illegible]under the
name of Cancer Weed and used by common
people to wash cancer and foul ulcers, which
I think belongs to the class of the Class and Order of approach
nearer to the species above ground than any other
[illegible] - fragile, full of a milky juice
Leaves let out a winged form- lateral, opposite,
Calyx[illegible]found with the Segment
within- Corolla [illegible]
undercycle[illegible] turning out
Stamina 5, very hot; anymore longitudinal
a long on the stamina their side [illegible]
and to form a cylinder enclosing the entire

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