(seq. 175)




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Lect 6

itself is different in different Parts. In very young
Animals, as a Fetus of 4 or 5 Months, no Oil is found,
it being then rather a gelatinous Substance also when
Young, the Oil is lodged next to the Skin, but as we grow
older, it gets more internally & more into the Interstices
of Parts, hence the Reason, why in making Preparations
we choose young Subjects, rather than Adults, for Adults
dry greatly, unless very dropsical, & the Oil in young
Children is harder - The Viscera of Children are from
Fat, the [?]asareous Dropsy destroys the Fat more yn.
any other Disease, what was Adeps before, becomes much
changed. The principal Use of the Cellular Membrane
is to connect Parts, that they may not be entangled, but
have some Motion on one Another, as the Muscles &c
Cellular Membrane is very Yielding, where the Parts re=
quire considerable Motion, but the Bowels [?]
have a very free Motion have no Cellular Membrane.
The first Stratum of Cellular Membrane lies nearest the
Skin, & chiefly contains the Fat, which is taken up, when
we pinch the Skin, hence the Reason why Butchers follow
that Practices in trying whether Cattle are fat & lean. The
next Stratum is of a looser kind, & is first filled with
Water in a dropsical Habit. There is a great Difference
between the outward Adipose Stratum & the internal, the

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