(seq. 188)




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Diseases wherein this oil becomes hardened as frequently
near the skin of the Surface are usually attended with a
turnover which is called a [?] and are generally cured
by integrating the part - out of the Body [a put?] this oil frequently
Oil & [?]
concretes by Cold as is seen in [?], which seems to differ from
the fluid Oil only in that it contains Less Water

Use of the fat

The Use of the Adeps or fat are various
for Nutrition [?] a priori
It's subserviency to the Purpose of Nutrition is easily inferred
a priori from it, [?]ing an oil and Salt [Earth?] in large Proportion
which render it more nutritive than any other of the common
fluids of the body and Experiments which have been used to ascertain
the truth have [?] established the fact for Animals
which have been fed principally on oily substance, [universally?]
fatten the fastest - It has also been fully proved that
not subject to Putrefaction
there is no Part of the animal Body less subject to putre=
faction than the fat a circumstance which must surely
be very important in the nutritious fluids -

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