(seq. 1)




Status: Needs Review

August 20th 1752

Oliver Darby petitioner }
Joseph Stephens defendant }
Its [Confirmed?] that the petitioner Recover thirty five shillings
Eight pence Damage, and Cost to get at 8/2 two for the [?].
debt [illegible?]
[jack illegible?]
cost 0 8 2

Oliver Darby petitioner }
Joseph Stephens defendant }
Its [Confirmed?] that the petitioner Recover of the Defendant the money [illegible?]
one pound fifteen shillings, and eight pence Damage of
Cost To get at 8 / 2.5
Debt 1,15,[?]
[qntrs?] _,_,7

Oliver Darby petitioner }
Joseph Stephens defendant }
Its [Confirmed?] that the petitioner Recover one pound fifteen shillings
and eight pence Debt [on?] Damage and Cost To get at L8 / and two pence
halfe pence 7 +
Debt [5?],15,[?]
[qntrs?] 0,0,[?]
Cost _,8,2
L 2,3,[1?]

Oliver Darby petitioner }
Joseph Stephens defendant }
Its [Confirmed?] by the Justice that the petitioner Recover one pound [fifty?]
shillings and nine pence Debt and Interest and Cost Taxes at
Debt 1,15,9
[Notes?] 0,0,7
Cost 0,8,2
[L 2, 4, 8?]

October the 12th 1752
[Ambrous Linkon?] petitioner }
John Woodward the 2 defendant }
petitioner and defendant both appear
on [Coll?] and the Defendant pled
an abatement of the Writ
as on file: Its [Confidna?] by
the Justice that the writ
abate on the plea provide and
that the Defendant [Recover?] [illegible?]
which way To get at 3: / which the Defendant
payd [down?] in full of his [Colt?] [allas?]
me John Godfrey Justice Peace

Jno. [Wooddro?] [in?] 3 /

October the 23rd, 1752
[Ambros Linkon?] petitioner }
John Woodward the 2 defendant }
The plea of abatement ass on file over Ruled.
Judgment for ten shillings for the petitioner and Cost of [Court?]
Taxt of 5,6,2.5 [paid?] which judgment the [defendant?]
appealed to the next Court of Common Pleas to [illegible?]
[Taunton?] with [illegible?] and for the County of [illegible?]
on the Second Tusday of December [illegible?] and [illegible?]
[propicate?] the same.

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