(seq. 1)




Status: Complete

Cambridge March 7. 1775.


The gentlemen of the Corporation who live at Boston
being here this Day, to attend an Overseers meeting; and
being in Company with the other Members of the Corporation,
naturally fell into conversation on the Situation of the affairs
of the College.

They are all extremely concerned that the {Sittlement}
of the Accounts, which has always been made annually in
the September, has been so long delayed; and they think them-
selves obliged in faithfulness to their trust, to urge the im-
mediate {Settlement} of them; and beg you will name a near
Day when you can will attend it. And considering that the provin-
cial Congress will meet again in a short time, and soon after
that, the provincial Congress Continental Congress, which
may probably engage you a great part of the Summer;
& that it is not to be expected th considering the in the present critical state of
public affairs, that you will have leisure to attend such Business
between the meeting of the two Congresses, they must depend on
your fixing a Day previous to the meeting of the provincial
Congress; And the Corporation will be ready to attend on any
Day you shall appoint. They cannot be easy to let the College
Treasury be in so unsettled an a state for such a length of time
as otherwise it may. They intreat you will [illegible] send them an
answer a written answer, or favor them with your Company
at the Presidents sometime this day as soon as may be after dinner.

From Sir, your most {obedient} {humble}
{humble} {servant}
{Samuel} Langdon

In the name & at the Desire of the members present of the Corporation
{Samuel} Langdon

True Copy
examined {per} {Samuel} Langdon

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